すき焼きの基本的な食べ方 Method of cooking SUKIYAKI
鍋に牛脂を溶かし、割下(すき焼きのたれ)を入れ最初に焼肉をする要領で肉を焼く |
Melt beef fat in a pan, add warishita (Sukiyaki sauce), and grill the meat like BBQ first. |
焼いたら、生卵に付けて食べるのが一般的(味が濃いから、玉子で味を薄める意味があると言われている) |
It is common to eat the grilled meat with raw eggs (it is said that the egg will dilute and balance the strong taste). |
2度程肉を堪能したら、野菜を入れて煮始める |
野菜は、ネギ、シイタケ、エノキ、焼き豆腐、シラタキ |
After enjoying the meat 2 rounds, add vegetables (Leek, shiitake mushroom, enoki mushroom, fried tofu, glass noodles) sauce, water and start simmering. |
上記以外にお好みで、ゴボウ、レンコン、ジャガイモ、玉ねぎ、白菜、等 |
Besides the vegetables stated above, you may also add burdock, lotus root, potato, onion, Chinese cabbage and etc. |
日本では冷蔵庫を整理する時になんでも入れてしまう事が多い。 |
(Japanese family often like to put whatever they have in fridge.) |